Saturday, January 23, 2010

'Tis the seal Despair...

I officially survived the first week of my last semester of class. Well, kinda. Can anyone spell S.E.N.I.O.R.I.T.I.S??? I was thinking my semester wouldn't be all that bad, 3 in-class courses and 2 directed studies- I can handle that. No problem, I even have a favorite prof in one class. But I should have known it wasn't that easy... I have spent the entire week running all over campuses, pleading with every 'Dean of..', 'Director of...', 'Overseer of...' that I can find. Why, you ask? Because I am one measly class away from completing a corresponding minor along with my degree in pre-law. ONE. 3 credit hours. To make it all the more frustrating every person I speak with tells me something different. I have more than enough credits to graduate. with a minor. with a concentration if they offered one. But I don't have that class. Apparently to receive a minor in English you have to obtained 18 credit hours beyond entry level English problem, I already have 21. You also need at least 3 advanced writing problem, I have 5. But what no one told me in the last 4 years of drowning in extra classes, is that I must have 2 literature courses- advanced literature. PROBLEM. I only have 1 entry level lit class. So now, I either have to pick up another lit course this semester in addition to my schedule or not receive a minor by 3 credits. Make sense to any of you? I am at a loss. English minor in writing...who cares if I can decifer a poem by Whitman or Dickenson if I am going to be writing legal briefs? To make matters all the more amusing, the only available lit course that fits into my schedule is taught by a professor I may or may not have previously vowed to avoid at all costs. But I lived through her previous class...and maybe this time she won't go to lengths of individual humiliation like last time. Maybe? So 'tis the seal despair', as Dickenson would say, that for 3 hours *wednesday night I will endure the pain just to get my silly minor....

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