It's super easy to join... just write a little bio and introduce yourself!
Then link your post back to the roller coaster and let us meet you!
So, for those of you who don't know me...
Hi, I'm Mrs. Griffin
I am first and foremost a daughter of the King, who has been saved by grace
I find my hope, strength and passion in my Lord, Jesus Christ
I am wife to an incredible man whom I call Soldier, Hero and Friend
I met my husband in the sixth grade, and little did I know
That ten years later he would promise to hold my hand forever

We will be celebrating our first anniversary this July
I am so thankful to laugh with him every day

I am two weeks away from graduating with an undergrad pre-law degree...
and not at all sure what God has around the corner
I am daughter, sister, auntie and friend
I love my family and treasure our traditions
I am fiercly opinionated, but gentle at heart
A perfectionist but never perfect
I am an organized planner, but fifteen minutes late as a rule
I value honesty and abhor hypocrisy
I procrastinate at times, as I am now, when I should be writing a paper for class
Writing is therapy. as long as I can write what I want
I would love to share my life with you
Pour yourself a cup of tea and curl up in your favorite spot
It's nice to meet you
Hello! I found your blog on the blog hop. I met my husband in the 6th grade as well!! :) Too Funny!! I look forward to reading more.
Pssshhhh....I already follow you! Because your rad!!!!!! Stopping by to give you some extra loving:)
~Goodnight moon!
I like tea:)
And I'll be back...I'm already a follower.
Cute post, lady:)
Hello, New follwer here. I hope to read some more good posts. Feel free to stop by mine. The Marine && A Civilin;; Link posted On the Milspouse Blog Hop Riding the roller coaster.
Love your blog, I am a Christian military wife as well! Love the wedding pics! Have a great day, and oh I am here from the blog hop! :)
Hey there...new follower from the Blog Hop :)
Hi there! I stopped by from the blog hop and am a new follower! Nice to meet you :)
I am now following your blog, thanks to the Milspouse Blog Hop!
Thanks for linking up on the blog hop! Love your bio and your pictures. Looking forward to reading more about you. It's so nice to meet you! Happy hopping!
nice to meet you!! enjoy the bloghop!
Love your blog design. It's beautiful!
I found you via the blog hop. :-) I am looking forward to reading more posts. Nice to meet you.
Following your blog via the MilSpouse Blog Hop! I love your layout and banner. Pretty! I look forward to reading more!
Stopping by from the blog hop =)
Nice to "meet" you...I am now a follower
Have a great weekend!
Hello I'm Cris.
I'm a Navygirl in the making who is currently dating a member of the US Army National Guard. I'm your newest follower.
Hello! I just found your blog via the blog hop. Your wedding pictures are so cute and I love the picture you two in the helicopter - jealous! can't wait to start reading :)
Love your pics they are soooo beautiful...Found you on the blog hop:)
Hello from the blog hop! I'm actually drinking a cup o' tea right now, and I too am a perfectionist - though I'm never perfect. :-) --Michy (Www.ocipura.com)
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